While sailing in the Eastern Caribbean, we found wireless
internet (WiFi) in most places. Our product The Wirie helped us with that and –
running a business – Irie turned into an office most days. We would either find
decent internet or nothing at all. If not, we took the day (or a couple of
days) off, or more likely, we would move to a different anchorage to get back
online. It isn’t the most fun way to cruise around in the Caribbean, but we had
our priorities and this arrangement worked; random frustrations aside.

The San Blas islands are another cup of tea. WiFi is
non-existent and we had heard from friends that the 2G service, through cell
phone towers, worked adequately at some times of the day. Mark and I wanted to
slow down the work anyway and put our minds towards taking the internet
situation as it came. That was the plan… We had bought a dongle in Colombia and
upon arriving in Kuna Yala, the search for a SIM-card and a phone to activate
Digicel internet plans started. We were successful with the SIM-card early on
and borrowed the phone of a Panamanian police officer to get started. Whenever
we were “in reach” of a phone tower, we could s-l-o-w-l-y access the internet.
When out of reach, we spent one or two days enjoying the area and moved on.
Once again, we found ourselves in search of “the internet”.

We picked up a second hand phone in Nargana and the
following five weeks, we managed to get in tune with the internet availability
and “speed”. For every four hours Mark spent online, he’d get one hour of work
done. I would give up after two hours of trying or when my computer battery was
empty. It was infuriating at times, but hey, we were in paradise, so we would
take some inconvenience with that. During our month long stay near mainland
Panama, we expected great things to happen, but once again, the Digicel tower
disappointed and (free) WiFi was unavailable.
Speaking of underdeveloped countries; we are in the prime example (for
more reasons than internet availability alone). We struggled on and I went to
Captain Jack’s one day to get the more serious stuff (read: things needing more
bandwidth) done. Upon returning to the San Blas, we had temporarily caught up
with our online chores.

For the first month back in paradise, things went
“smoothly”, albeit VERY slowly, but the internet did its job and about half the
day was spent on it. Then, one day in April – the day on which winter turned
into summer without warning – it started to rain, the wind dropped and the bugs
joined us. After that fateful day, nothing was the same anymore. The change in
the weather caused a change in the internet availability. Why? Who knows. The
cell phone tower in Nargana had problems and we found ourselves moving closer
and closer towards it with little prevail. Mark was online most of the day to
do what he had to do. In Nargana, we visited the “internet cafĂ©”, a classroom
with laptops, available to the public every weekday from 5pm to 6:30pm for $1
an hour. It works a little bit better than we are used to. Sending one high
resolution picture (for articles) takes about 20 minutes, but it is possible!
During that time, all the computers are taken by teenagers checking Facebook –
Yes, even in Kuna Yala, Facebook is popular. It explains why the connection
totally drops when trying to use it from the boat.

After weeks of frustration, we decided to move to the
western part of Kuna Yala. We’ve had better luck with the Porvenir tower and
hoped for the best. By now we have to motor everywhere, because the wind has
disappeared. Summer time! Back in this neck of the woods – it is very pretty
here – the struggle continues. While, near Nargana, the nights would bring
“decent” internet from around 11pm until 6am, here nothing makes sense. The
tower breaks down for a few days and restores itself to offer excruciatingly
slow internet again, sometimes. It is tedious, it is tiring, it is annoying, it
is frustrating, it is unbearable. But… we are out of options. Elephante Bar in
the West Lemmons offers satellite internet for $3 an hour, if it works. Not
really convenient for Mark who has to get on several times a day for an
indefinite amount of time. Is it time to leave the San Blas islands?
Unfortunately, we DO need the internet, more than any other cruiser…
Required internet times (if available):
Loading Outlook: 30 minutes; loading “all” the
emails: another 30 minutes; sometimes never
Loading Yahoo Mail: 30 minutes
Sending an email: 20 minutes after it’s written;
resending three or four times (and waiting) might be needed
Loading Google: 15 minutes
Loading Facebook: 10 minutes - eternity
Posting a blog (with resized pictures): 2 hours
or never
Sending/ posting full size pictures: impossible
CNN home page: 10 minutes
Getting into our bank accounts: 40 minutes
Using our bank accounts: up to 2 hours or never
Surfing the web: from 30 minutes per page to
Booking flights or transportation: impossible
Running the business: ALL day
We haul our dongle up the flag halyard (with two active extension cables) to hopefully get better reception. Even though the electronic part is in a plastic baggie, every time it rains, we have to drop it back down and take it inside. And... it rains a lot during the rainy season!
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