Since Mark and I have been here, in Newburyport, life hasn’t
all been “bad and cancerous”. Friends have visited and family events have taken
place. Not to the extent and with as much fun and happiness as during previous
visits, but pleasant, nevertheless. The weather started out being very crappy
and cold, but things seem to be improving now. We love the sun!!! While we
avoid the heat and sunrays at all cost while running errands and hiking in the
tropical climate of French Polynesia, we now choose the sunny parts of sidewalks and avoid shady benches when exploring the area and taking in the

One day our friends Ryan and Denise and their quickly
growing son Jake came by to see us. We had a nice time having drinks
overlooking the river, walking along the waterfront and being treated to a good
dinner in town. Twice now, our friends Scott and Lisa have picked us up and
brought us to their house on a lake in Newton, NH, not too far away from here. They
spoil us rotten, and there we have some welcome peace and relaxation in good
company and a laid-back environment. The second time, right after Mark’s
surgery, we returned to house and dog sit. We avoided our computers and the
cold weather, by watching TV for days – quite the sensory overload experience,
when you usually never watch anything like this. Did you know that on some US channels
4 minutes of a program is alternated by 3 minutes of commercials? And, to take all
these convincing ads in on a 65” screen… Wow!! Two days of this was enough for
many years to come.

Our brother-in-law Brian picked us up in Newton, but, before
we returned to Newburyport to spend some days in his lovely company, he and I paddled Mark around the lake in a big canoe; good exercise and an enjoyable
experience for all of us, despite all the other “redneck” activities going on
on the water, like power boating, water skiing and jet skiing. Weekdays are much
quieter there. And, then there are “the babies” of course! Mark’s brother Tim
and his wife Kristen gave birth to beautiful twin girls about nine months ago.
A lot of time is now spent watching and holding Cera and Lily on Plum Island, a
10-minute drive away!!!
Mark's mom Carol with Lily |
Mark with the other baby, Cera |
Denise, Mark, Liesbet, and Ryan along Newburyport's waterfront |
Mark's parents Carol and Stan allowed us to "move in" |
A wonderful sushi dinner, thanks to Scott and Lisa |
Ueli, Mark and Jasmine on the couch |
Comfy Jazz on Liesbet's lap |
"Our" Lake in Newton, New Hampshire |
Scott, the grill master |
Liesbet and Lisa; it's not quite summer yet! |
Ueli and Jazz playing in the yard |
The bigger, the better!?? |
Putting part of the dock in the freezing lake water |
Brian and I row Mark around the pretty (and warmer) lake |
Kennebunkport, Maine |
A few old cars drove through Kennebunkport that Sunday |
Maine is famous for its lobsters |
Parker River National Wildlife Refuge on Plum Island |
Walk in the Wildlife Refuge |
The beach on Plum Island, Newbury - not quite like the South Pacific |
Sharon, Mark and Brian, walking the "wild" beach |
LOVE that you are both surrounded by so much love! Great photos. We miss you
And we are so happy with all the love that is coming from overseas as well!! xx
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